Wednesday, February 16, 2011

24 Candles

Standard birthday candles come in boxes of 24 count. As a child, I remember counting out 7 candles to put on my cake for my 7th birthday, 8 for my 8th birthday, 9 for my 9th, and so on. And I remember thinking what happens when you turn 25? You will need TWO boxes of candles to have enough candles for your cake! (Of course, this was before I realized that people stop putting the amount of candles that equals your age on your cake or use number candles when you get to a certain age). For as long as I could count, I've had one very specific wish for my 24th birthday: to blow out a full box of standard birthday candles because it will be the last time I will be only one box's worth of candles in age. I am so random! =)


  1. I never thought about that. I guess it's too late for me now. Well, make sure to light them fast before the wax melts all over the cake!

  2. Yes, us old folks only put a couple of candles on the cake. LOL! Enjoy 24!

  3. I never thought about that either!! You're very goal oriented!!! THIS WISH WILL DEFINITELY COME TRUE COME MARCH!

  4. That's gonna be one bright birthday cake! haha
