Sunday, March 4, 2012

My 25th Birthday

I've never been much of a big birthday person. Partially because it's that big reminder of how old you are getting and how quickly time flies. The other part is it's so hyped up that it's supposed to be some big special day for you, which usually leads to being let down. For the past few years, I haven't had very high expectations for my birthday, just wanting it to come and go, albeit with some cake maybe. This year was no different, but for some reason, it just felt like everyone who cares about me went through extra effort to make my birthday one of the best I've had in a while. I ended 2011 and started 2012 with a lot of stress, illnesses, depression, etc., so having all these people making me feel special on my birthday really showed me who truly cares about me.

- Thank you to my co-workers for the surprise one-day early celebration at Bayview in addition to another mini-celebration with our downtown co-workers on my birthday.
- Thank you to my family for the delicious birthday dinner and much-needed massage gift card. Can't wait to work out all those running knots.
- Thank you to my cousins for the surprise beautifully decorated and delicious cake!
- Thank you to my friends, near and far, for the cards, phone calls, text messages, etc. All you really need are a few good friends.
- Thank you to my running friends for helping me find a sense of community and encouraging/celebrating all of our individual accomplishments together!

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