Friday, October 16, 2009

My turn to be stalked

I've been stalking everyone else's blog, so I figured it was unfair to not let them stalk me back. I had reservations about creating a blog for several reasons:
1) I'm not much of a talker, even less of a writer. But who knows, maybe blogging will make me more expressive. After all, everyone could use an emotional outlet every once in a while. I have posted meaningful entries on myspace and xanga in the past and kept a 73-page journal of my adventures in Australia.
2) Half of my life is consumed by work, and I'm doubtful you want to hear about the stuff I do with poop, blood, and wound tissue all day.
3) The other half of my life is dedicated to running, and I try to keep that talk to a minimum. I don't want to seem obsessed (although I am, I'm not going to lie). And I probably will devote a lot of posts to running and races.
4) I didn't have a good title for my blog, until this morning, when I saw Natasha Bedingfield's music video for "Unwritten" on VH1 and decided I liked that.
And then I realized that blogs are really more for their writers than for anyone else. It's nice to have something to look back on, somewhere to express what's on your mind, and with everyone's busy lives, it's good to keep others updated with your life. If not all that, it's another reason to blow off studying/working for another 5 minutes :). So with that said,
"Today is where [my blog] begins
The rest is still unwritten..."